Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Update to the 7.7.11 Update

Well, yeah...

The Old School stuff from the Pit is probably not going to happen. It's mostly deader than a door nail. Sad, because when I was a more frequent visitor to the Pit, they had some of the best blogs! The Pit is what got me into reading the blogs in the first place.

HA! The Twitter Archives! Fun, yes. But I haven't been on in awhile. I just haven't felt the need. But the ideas, oh, yes. Indeed, I have the ideas.

I was going to do the Pot Shop Fail Council Meetings, but I'm probably going to start either with this current meeting or the next. It just depends on the issues (tech/time) that I'm facing right now.

Also, Discount Dave is still a big seller.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

UPDATE: 7/7/2011

I'm posting things on this again.

Everything In Bloggeration Wordpress, I'll still use as a mirror. It was just trendy, you know? I hope to have new posts coming soon, old school stuff from The Pit-- hopefully, since last I checked, there wasn't a whole lot to chose from, sad-- and some newer stuff from the Twitter Archives.

I may continue Twitter Hates Me (that being on the Wordpress)-- various trouble reports (from happy-time bugs to the dread FailWhale), perhaps some helpful links and solutions to various Twitter-related problems.

After watching the FAIL that was the Lansing City Council's response to the FAIL that will become their Medical Marijuana Dispensary ordinance, I'm feeling compelled to FINALLY update Watching Lansing. It took pot to do that. ;)

Plus, dang! If it doesn't feel good to write something that isn't limited to 140 characters! ;)